Wednesday 12 June 2013

How to use an Apex Locator !!!

 1. Always make sure that it is switched on before using (many a times we forget to switch it on, and start measuring the canal and wonder why We are not able to hear any beep).

2. Always cover the endodontic file in EDTA gel prior to inserting it in the canal

3. Make sure the isolation is adequate and there is no salivary continuation between the access cavity and the oral cavity (in short there should be no conducting media between the lip hook of apex locator and the measuring file).
4. Try avoiding contact of the file from the metallic restorations

5. Use thinner file, binding slightly in the canal

6. Don’t use files very loose in canal as it will give wobbling results on the screen

7. Be careful while using apex locators in class 2 deep cavities (saliva tends to leak in the access cavity leading to false results).

8. Many operators don’t know that the apex locators can also detect perforations if you notice a small bleeding point on the pulpal floor just touch the tip of the apex locator file to it , and if the screen shows(over extended reading" you can suspect it to be a perforation (insert a very thin file in the bleeding point and shoot an xray to confirm it")

9. Consider pre endodontic restorations prior to the use of apex locator i.e. convert class 2 cavities to class 1s and class 3 and 5 cavities to class prevent the contact of saliva with the apex locator file.

10. Sometimes very dry canals also don’t show reading , in such cases slightly  wet the canal with a drop of sodium hypochlorite.

11. Please note prior to use of apex locator try to remove all the coronal pulp and flush the cavity with hypo (as while inserting the file u may transfer some coronal bacterias into the radicular areas)

12.Keep checking the batteries of the apex locator periodically

13.Try to avoid the sharp bends on the wires

14. Prevent the fall of apex locators (keep in a place from where you can use it without changing its position)

15. Buy an apex locator with audio facility along with auto off feature

16. Avoid buying 2 in 1 apex locator cum endodontic machines....because if one goes wrong you wont be able to use the other.

This is in direct contrast to the gradual increase in the electrical resistance obtained while negotiating an intact root canal system.

As the file advances (B) a gradual increase is noted

The device (C) indicates that the apical foramen has been reached.

Apex locator's analogue readout shows a dramatic increase in the electrical resistance that is indicative of a perforation.

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