Normally, as you know, the saying
is: ‘No pain, no gain’, but I’ve now started to do some rather interesting
treatments, which involve no preparations on the teeth and, therefore, no local
anesthetic is required.
"They do, however, involve
the use of a soft tissue laser for recontouring the gingiva, and this is where
this treatment becomes most interesting because this is also done without the
use of local anesthetic.
I have selected two cases that
aptly demonstrate this technique.
I start the process with an
initial examination with the patient talking through what treatment they would
like to undergo. We specifically ask them what sort of smile they would like to
have, looking at the amount of gum showing at rest and the gingival contours,
and then make a complete assessment of the patient and their medical history -
this appointment also includes impressions and photographs. "This
information allows us to design a smile for our patients which are fitting for
them and their personality, in terms of shape, style, color as well as overall
illustrate this, Figure 3 was taken immediately after the laser had been used.
"This is a good illustration as it now shows the new smile (in composite)
built up to resemble the final smile. At this stage, we can take as much time
as we need in order to deliver exactly what the patient wants. Once the laser
has been used, we have the ideal situation of the new teeth with the new
gingival contours, so we can see how the whole smile comes together. As a
result of not using any local anaesthetic, the patient has full control of her
lips and can feel the new teeth in situ and give us her accurate feedback. This
makes a lot of difference compared to the conventional method where it takes a
few days after the preparation appointment in order to get any accurate
feedback from the patients.
Once the
patient is happy with the smile in this form, we can take impressions for the
laboratory. The laboratory will use these impressions to make the final
veneers. I use Amdecc in Basildon, Essex, for this work as I have used them for
more than 10 years and they understand exactly what I’m looking for. With the
impressions done, we can take of the composite and then make any minor
alterations that need to be done to the teeth (still without the use of local
anaesthetic). With minor work completed, we can then take the final impressions
of the starting position. The laboratory now has all of the impressions that
they need in order to create the new smile. I then use Luxatemp (DMG) to give
the patient their new smile (in temporary) whilst their new teeth are being
There would normally be a review appointment after around a week, which
allows the patient to confirm that the temporaries are to their liking Ð having
taken comments from family and friends into consideration.
The final
step is then the fit appointment - usually a couple of weeks after the
preparation stage, but depending on the patient’s availability.
Figure 4
now shows the final veneers in place. As you can see there is a good match with
the gingival contouring so that the eight new veneers fit nicely into the
gingival contours that we have created. On reviewing this picture, I wish that
she had agreed to have the amalgams replaced in the two lower
molars, but then that’s just being hyper critical, and at the end of
the day it’s her choice. You can now see clearly how we have increased the size
of the right canine to make it match the left canine.
In the second case, we have again followed the principles outlined
above. However, in this case we treated six upper teeth and four lower teeth.
It would have been ideal to have been
at Figure 6, immediately after using the laser, you can see just how gentle the
laser is in helping me to re-contour the gingival margins, particularly around
the right side where we have to make the appearance changes.
The final picture in the sequence, Figure 7, shows the final result
with the veneers in place, and whilst my eyes are still drawn to the teeth that
we did not treat, the final result on the teeth that we did treat is very
pleasing and, more importantly, the patient was delighted. Here the smile has a
nice balance and it’s certainly not obvious, at least on an initial inspection,
that she’s missing a lateral on the right side.
The no preparation, no anesthetic system is a major step forward from
a patient’s point of view. The feedback during treatment is excellent. The
lasers that I have used in the past would not have let me be this precise
without anesthesia and with this much control of the soft tissues. The Final picture
(Figure 8) shows me using the laser, fully protected wearing the comfortable
laser glasses over the top of my normal eye ware.
Rahul Doshi BDS LDSRCS is the senior clinical director of !e Perfect Smile Advanced Training Institute in Hertford and offers hands-on training courses in aesthetic dentistry.
احصل الان علي افضل الخدمات في عمليات تنظيف خزانات بمكة واليت تقوم بها شركة العنود اكبر شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة يمكنك التواصل معنا الان في اي وقت ومن اي مكان بالممكلة العربية السعودية ويمكنك التعرف ايضا علي خدمات شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة فور التواصل معنا وطلب خدمة التنظيف علي ايدي امهر الفنيين والعمال .
ReplyDeleteلا داعي للقلق او التوتر عند اكتشاف اعطال بأحدي الاجهزه الكهربائية لديك حيث اصبح الان يمكنك التواصل مع صيانه جولدى في اي وقت يوميا لارسال فريق العمل المتخصص في اصلاح الاعطال بجميع انواعها وباقل التكاليف .
ReplyDeleteفريق عمل متخصص من امهر الفنيين والعمال في صيانة فريجيدير يقوموا بالعمل يوميا وعلي مدار ال 24 ساعة بعد التدريب علي احدث الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات التكنولوجية الحدثه في التعامل مع الاعطال الموجوده بالاجهزه والتي تتم في صيانة جنرال اليكتريك علي ايدي امهر الخبراء والفنيين .
ReplyDeleteالان يمكنك الحصول علي المزيد من خدمات صيانة كاريير فور التواصل معنا يف اي وقت لارسال فريق العمل المتخصص في الصيانة والمدرب في توكيل كاريير الذي يوفر فريق عمل متخصص يمكنك التواصل مع رقم صيانة كاريير للتعرف علي المزيد الان .
ReplyDeleteخدمات متميزه من اقوي فريق عمل يقوم بمهام تنظيف موكيت بمكة ويمكنه العمل علي تنظيف موكيت بالبخار بمكة باحدث الالات والمعدات الخاصة بنا والتي تضمن اعمال تنظيف سجاد بمكة علي ايدي فريق من الخبراء والفنيين المدربين علي ذلك وبالاضافه الي اعمال تنظيف سجاد بالبخار بمكة تواصل معنا الان للحصول علي المزيد .