Thursday, 26 September 2013

Why Do U Need Cone Beam !!!

How does Cone Beam CT Work?

Cone Beam CT is arguably one of the most incredible advances the entire dental profession has seen in the last few decades. While we certainly have seen many other innovations such as digital impressions (CAD/CAM), hand piece technology or laser dentistry, each of those is related to treatment. And we can only treat what we have diagnosed, and we can only diagnose what we can actually see.

Cone Beam CT allows you to see more. It provides three dimensional views of teeth, the TMJ or airway that have never been available before.

Implant DentistryCone Beam is a natural fit for implant planning. It lets you see the undistorted position of crucial structures such as the inferior alveolar nerve or the maxillary sinus, and 1:1 measuring tools allow precisely gauged distances and virtual treatment planning with digital versions of your implant system of choice.

EndodonticsMany times the periodical radiolucency is being blocked by other structures, or by a root itself. You can see precise endodontic pathology when using cone beam, and the accuracy even allows visualization of the MB2 canals in upper molars prior to access.

Periodontics Cone Beam CT allows you to see bone levels in three dimensions around a tooth. This makes it easier to target treatment or to know if an extraction and grafting is a better choice.

Orthodontics Cone Beam allow you to create cephalometric reconstructions from the images. You also can see the precise position of all teeth and the exact orientation of an impacted canine tooth.

Oral Surgery – Along with implant placement, Cone Beam takes the guesswork out of surgery. In the case of wisdom teeth, you can see the exact location in relation to adjacent teeth, as well as to an inferior alveolar nerve.

Airway – Snoring and sleep apnea have now been indicated in everything from hypertension to heart disease. Cone beam allows you to do complex airway studies to determine the best treatment.

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